Thursday, October 29, 2015

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Here Snakey Snakey!!!

This time....a Rough Green Snake....

Max finds a big Anole...

He's always been real good at catching these...

Turning Another Leaf

Stone From Fire

We pulled the "pots" this morning...they're still hot....we'll let them cool and rinse them down later today....the face is in bad shape...cracks on everything....but there's several things we learned along the way for next time...and there will definately be a next time....this was fun!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Beach Clay

Out at the North point we've found this clay after a little bit of digging we tried our hand at throwing...and now we're firing the stuff we've'll be interesting to see how it all turns out....

Colors and Change

Leaves are finally falling....a bit later than up north....the colors aren't quite as vibrant as they are up there....but the temperature's a lot more comfy.  Thought I'd try my hand with one of the leaves on the table...seen others do a much better job....

Friday, October 23, 2015

Kayaking The North River

Been a busy week with an interview and several applications...went out for some fishing...had a good day on the water...this is a small portion while exiting the mouth into the larger Neuse River....

Pooped Puppy

Boomer after a long hike...

Kayaking The North River

Had a chance to do some fishing yesterday...took the kayak out and paddled up the beach to this river on the north end of the forest that goes several miles through the swamp and trees....didn't catch any fish....but sure was a nice day to paddle...

Proud Of These Two...

Max and Noah....

The Ranger and Crew

Here's some shots of Ms Williams, Johnny Mack...and crew....our co-host Vicky and our old co-host who no is the host at Cedar Point on the other side of the forest.....near Swansboro...


The forest has so many surprises....we've only been here since June and already ran across so many beautiful's some examples from shots we've captured here and there....

Croatans...who were they?

Here's some history about the people and their significance to early America and the "lost colony...."  Why was it carved in a tree???      click here

About the Croatan....

Croatan National Forest, one of four National Forests in North Carolina and the only true coastal forest in the East. The Croatan National Forest's 160,000 acres have pine forests, saltwater estuaries, bogs and raised swamps called pocosins. Bordered on three sides by tidal rivers and the Bogue Sound, the forest is defined by water.

All this water provides a variety of recreation and diversity of wildlife- from deer, black bears and turkeys to wading birds, ospreys and alligators. Canoeing and fishing are popular on blackwater creeks and saltwater marshes. The Croatan is also home to the carnivorous Venus fly-trap, sunder and pitcherplant. 

Eastbound And Down...

"Roll 'em up an' truckin'"...we had a long way to go...and we got there..... left Ohio at the end of May this year....and here we are....back where we call home....the Crystal Coast....the land of the pines.....our sweet Carolina!  We just started the new blog....have a lot of photos to put out we'll keep postin' till we get caught up....and as usual....the photos are ours....unless we say otherwise...and we'll try to keep everything short and sweet....thanks again!